Is It Time to Get Tutoring? How to Know Before It's Too Late

January 12, 2023

As a parent, you want nothing but the best for your child. You want to see them succeed in their studies, achieve their goals, and make the most of their potential. 

But how can you tell if they need some extra help? When would they benefit from tutoring? 

Many parents only seek help once their child receives a disappointing mark, but the truth is the best time to get tutoring is much earlier

There are subtle signs that indicate your child needs some extra support long before the grades start to slip. Here, we will explore some of these warning signs and help you understand when it's time to consider tutoring for your child.

Sign 1: Reluctant to ask for help at school

Being reluctant to ask for help is a symptom of being in an environment where we feel unsupported. Your child may feel reluctant to ask questions in a class filled with many other students. Without the help they need, their learning and academic performance is hindered.

Unfortunately, you may be unaware of this until your child’s marks or report comes back, when it is already too late! 

It’s vital that students are able to recognise that it does not have to be this way, and that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it is necessary for growth.

For parents, it’s important to show support to your child and create a space where they feel comfortable to ask for help without judgement. Additionally, asking open-ended questions such as “What did you do at school today? How did you feel about it?” can gently nudge them to voice any concerns they may have. 

Sign 2: Evidence of knowledge gaps

Is there a topic or subject that consistently didn’t click with your child? Maybe they seemed disengaged from school or classes? These are all signs of knowledge gaps, which are like cracks in the foundation of your child’s understanding.

This is because the syllabus is structured in a way that assumes all the content prior to the current topic has been understood. For example, a student who has knowledge gaps in Year 8 algebra, will struggle with learning differentiation and the Year 11 and 12 topics which build upon it.

A great mentor can help your child identify their knowledge gaps and more importantly, the most efficient AND effective way of filling them in, allowing them to head confidently into future topics.  

Sign 3: Lack of Confidence

While lacking confidence is one of the most common traits in struggling students, it can bedifficult to identify within yourself, especially when it comes to education. This is because this self-doubt is often covered by tell-tale signs like:

  • lack of participation in class
  • procrastination 
  • the ever-popular phrases “I hate this topic” or 
  • “I’m just not a math/english person”

It’s important to recognise these signs for what they are: that a student is lacking confidence in a subject and may need some out-of-school help. A mentor can guide your child on how to rebuild their confidence by providing a safe space to ask questions, helping them work on their weaker areas and cheering them on every step of the way.

A struggling student can come in many shapes and forms, but it’s important to recognise these early signs BEFORE their grades slip. To see for yourself how Young Growth Academy can set your child up for success, book a risk-free trial. We are always here to help!